MegaV - Electronic wallet that supports payment and processes customer payment requests quickly, developed by VNPT Electronic Payment Company (VNPT EPAY), licensed by the State Bank of VietnamMegaV - SBV 거래를 신속히 처리하고 정산을 지원한다.Providing financial solutions and diverse products on e-wallet applications전자지갑 응용의 다양한 금융 서비스 및 상품 결제 가능Telecommunications payment service/ 통신 서비스 결제Bill payment service/ 청구서 결제Shopping payment service: Evoucher, cooperative company product/ 결제 서비스: Evoucher, 제휴사의 서비스Support services for employees and businesses to cooperate such as salary advance, company event, working dayProviding collection solutions via QR codes and receiving notifications on the MegaV application (QR notification) to solve difficulties for store owners and employees in checking customer payment transactions and generating QR revenue statistics. 코드로 수납대행 및 MegaV를 통해 입금 알림 서비스 (QR notification) 제공한다. 가게 주인이 매출액 관리의 어려움을 해결하기 위하는 서비스이다Send notification simultaneously to the store owner and store staff/ 가게 주인과 직원에게 동시 입금 알림Revenue management, easy lookup/ 매출액 관리 및 조회 가능Easy to register for the service, simple payment withdrawal / 간단히 서비스 신청 및 정산 출금 가능QR NOTIFICATION SERVICE:Service information/landing page: introduction video/introduction video: guide / registration guide: SECURITY/ 보안:Secure personal information and transaction history.The system meets international security standards PCI DSS level 1PCI DSS level 1.